[this node : edges]

bdot11224561 : Thermus thermophilus - enzymology, Anticodon - chemistry, Glutamate-tRNA Ligase - metabolism, Thermus thermophilus - genetics, Glutamate-tRNA Ligase - chemistry, Anticodon - metabolism

[adjacent node : edges]

bdot 11073212 : RNA, Transfer, Lys - chemistry, Nucleic Acid Conformation, RNA - chemistry, Anticodon - chemistry, HIV-1 - genetics, Chickens - genetics
bdot 11399074 : Histidine-tRNA Ligase - chemistry, Thermus thermophilus - enzymology, Histidine-tRNA Ligase - metabolism, Amino Acyl-tRNA Ligases - chemistry, Amino Acyl-tRNA Ligases - metabolism
ydot 12077432 : Thermus thermophilus - enzymology, Methyltransferases - chemistry
bdot 12079344 : Anticodon - metabolism, RNA, Transfer, Phe - chemistry, Escherichia coli - genetics, Alkyl and Aryl Transferases - metabolism, RNA, Transfer, Phe - metabolism, Nucleic Acid Conformation, Anticodon - chemistry

[common edges between this node (Node 11224561) and adjacent nodes shown in red]