[this node : edges]

bdot11301020 : Escherichia coli - chemistry, Potassium Channels - chemistry, Potassium Channels, Calcium-Activated

[adjacent node : edges]

bdot 11259644 : Nucleic Acid Conformation, Escherichia coli - chemistry, RNA, Ribosomal, 23S - chemistry
ydot 11473263 : Bacterial Proteins - chemistry, Drug Resistance, Microbial, Escherichia coli - chemistry, Repressor Proteins - chemistry, Escherichia coli Proteins, Drug Resistance, Multiple
ydot 11502181 : Nucleic Acid Conformation, RNA - chemistry, Escherichia coli - chemistry
bdot 11581264 : Escherichia coli - enzymology, Alkyl and Aryl Transferases - chemistry, Escherichia coli - chemistry
bdot 11781089 : Repressor Proteins - chemistry, Escherichia coli - chemistry, Repressor Proteins - genetics, Bacterial Proteins - chemistry, Bacterial Proteins - genetics
bdot 12135359 : Thioredoxin - chemistry, Chimeric Proteins - chemistry, Escherichia coli - chemistry

[common edges between this node (Node 11301020) and adjacent nodes shown in red]