[this node : edges]

bdot12730373 : Genotype, DNA - genetics, Haplotypes - genetics, DNA-Directed DNA Polymerase - genetics

[adjacent node : edges]

bdot 11092766 : Haplotypes - genetics, Variation (Genetics) - genetics, Substance-Related Disorders - genetics, Receptors, Opioid, mu - genetics, Genetic Predisposition to Disease - genetics
bdot 2989835 : Chromosome Mapping, DNA Restriction Enzymes, Nucleic Acid Hybridization, DNA - genetics
bdot 6326095 : DNA - genetics, Base Sequence, Immunoglobulins, Heavy-Chain - genetics, Genes, Structural
bdot 9788350 : DNA - genetics, RNA, Messenger - genetics, Regulatory Sequences, Nucleic Acid

[common edges between this node (Node 12730373) and adjacent nodes shown in red]