S Douglas

[this node : edges]

bdotS Douglas : 10219491, 8004164, 3958835, 2029795, 14561851, 6258808, 15510575, 15175700, 179049, 14222796, 10391855, 8556518, 627715, 14741208, 6376746, 10618395, 833471, 10882586, 4119398, 4606641, 3050003, 4605188, 5308993, 8327499, 4709951, 15216461, 10594362, 8556495, 1030115, 641141, 3851440, 6371047, 5926301, 14560041, 9188358, 11309263, 14929201, 567877, 3110724, 12770925, 8027547, 3794346, 10201969, 11678952, 4549205, 15014603, 15867463, 11986133, 404361, 10048425, 15642146, 15350702, 4181273, 7891585, 9055602, 3693541, 12697315, 170217, 2107030, 4528932, 10448878, 6792042, 12603824, 10960062, 3302888, 4161398, 1119132, 1148677, 7107990, 7509976, 11238207, 2144335, 9172241, 3634719, 7384535, 7287198, 8356840, 52702, 11282300, 11154211, 7050158, 9787150, 3011849, 15722369, 7509990, 2506279, 8040985, 1668850, 11125057, 274907, 1176612, 14373659, 14746807, 15102493, 4688866, 594083, 5435714, 798157, 9550266, 500198, 11910003, 528062, 11350668, 5261483, 5656398, 6187918, 4653186, 8535200, 8200677, 12548712, 1850685, 4164216, 9773832, 10660463, 8013078, 12359683, 6349890, 11536916, 15306183, 11274418, 10499587, 898000, 3465931, 11064272, 4122710, 11958683, 9655475, 803111, 9891346, 7606503, 15390113, 8785487, 2562756, 4701712, 2200889, 1741817, 12937158, 11056832, 13673183, 4200956, 12325504, 11547497, 8587422, 4202093, 96030, 9417805, 6991418, 6774762, 336575, 15178353, 1680570, 5528574, 912766, 11777843, 11879700, 14817971, 8038897, 12392747, 8764562, 423920, 3155549, 1153802, 13724063, 5926300, 13286497, 497398, 8587352, 15638799, 14609499, 6470865, 7431370, 12093471, 3459131, 10354586, 3162510, 668217, 4525955, 2649215, 12893106, 15063087, 5082361, 8251595, 12878506, 7700323, 6813008, 1067005, 750373, 1648574, 2164043, 417627, 8835196, 9595411, 6646130, 8723942, 2870830, 7783423, 12700976, 2844566, 0010225821, 4588911, 15817763, 4177474, 9846828, 784886, 1727500, 1260865, 10525680, 15117448, 4620333, 12621126, 641406, 1292667, 2707864, 6872342, 7166207, 15935695, 12359626, 7910171, 3281881, 5787274, 6584514, 15009495, 15882067, 13429147, 186665, 6114799, 13724071, 2373869, 7496616, 9949155, 1640315, 15781909, 8587369, 1250875, 5581595, 4913406, 5464504, 2113787, 3030588, 11158995, 10982242, 323873, 6326060, 233698, 15852036, 8827131, 9137835, 7729271, 14552656, 637424, 12738638, 9007171, 1201213, 2132959, 975638, 10799448, 15763543, 5195529, 9595458, 6279813, 13650672, 4561769, 4742927, 690995, 560355, 11443352, 1847937, 7674895, 3312373, 4454290, 569368, 12681238, 2693269, 4134717, 4933775, 5114007, 11323671, 4672579, 4539170, 11814143, 1423720, 10772218, 15579279, 11181905, 8704251, 10509563, 1688871, 82199, 8397473, 9858213, 4745377, 1084879, 8535771, 1680289, 13193963, 5500462, 7461712, 13724072, 12625888, 6981738, 7411538, 8982105, 10720516, 386924, 4894853, 5082360, 13076693, 15936190, 15646767, 12237599, 1661329, 8134165, 6989658, 816583, 11919172, 12932858, 14985938, 11530302, 9226297, 6402736, 8207087, 6151006, 5696651, 3965406, 9585808, 6238745, 11497232, 8429451, 11730941, 8770502, 11607919, 7679409, 2246010, 5311166, 2005963, 2989178, 8914768, 11591572, 9548509, 2102376, 15339939, 992989, 10768676, 8575076, 2382901, 12627049, 304159, 121770, 7238591, 15053714, 402771, 6596459, 5461247, 15581734, 7965794, 6968636, 11090097, 3479910, 7632461, 263953, 4567077, 209154, 4183767, 518571, 14523275, 1448801, 221543, 15166542, 4143112, 665390, 12727303, 680307, 12491199, 113524, 4186310, 3934327, 2613924, 11756991, 12425430, 188206, 12766696, 14767811, 8188420, 14722394, 1085595, 4636293, 6251573, 334419, 10225820, 6339394, 1749685, 2916450, 4348357, 1092771, 7106329, 11976263, 6772, 98599, 5243929, 6607807, 458598, 3102148, 444314, 12684296, 1647502, 12923799, 4989156, 2152971, 15083593, 2897178, 6713768, 12882658, 6280196, 3891690, 2909830, 9719682, 5811076, 11788150, 2773882, 4795012, 7930556, 5794823, 10486984, 12770952, 191391, 12500113, 10027361, 4183806, 7510873, 1694214, 8807214, 4180801, 455804, 2425629, 98598, 806407, 4719715, 15549273, 12656453, 7844399, 4097036, 11600835, 13525851, 14743438, 1065389, 825170, 1884099, 6328030, 11519640, 15749461, 10965950, 9441953, 10627485, 5949695, 15859237, 10225828, 11260581, 1426008, 265012, 9259824, 11090740, 389789, 4790288, 313223, 15031790, 12626462, 7084995, 2684315, 5776200, 2880050, 2403870, 9334798, 4543492, 8556479, 7680371, 12736382, 12902173, 9831881, 615978, 8448593, 12829987, 11562342, 15021309, 11570780, 458599, 15363979, 12076554, 7099167, 14524512, 12325526, 4176108, 2571666, 10967364, 7606751, 6343997, 4890568, 15266166, 7599920, 6018767, 3534981, 5252931, 13213379, 12950255, 4166380, 1413661, 12627050, 4546468, 1524940, 4138340, 3202042, 10716045, 3598032, 10496965, 5169336, 12803998, 9929392, 9873083, 3296966, 4545895, 3460749, 12204944, 15454190, 8058755, 2645086, 7517884, 2056249, 3298066, 2899593, 2423668, 5776486, 7496919, 1575586, 8319725, 15241128, 7050161, 15129324, 7428821, 6382134, 564396, 5793211, 4111271, 4545357, 4166246, 11334935, 5725737, 14610491, 8556511, 2336372, 11063499, 6842339, 1551310, 8447561, 11104584, 1387561, 4945808, 10520022, 3972992, 7952940, 12070267, 415434, 4161136, 1797300, 7496945, 9605981, 7472629, 12458047, 9276323, 12441799, 13124546, 321814, 778684, 4926996, 12383295, 417139, 12643910, 383405, 7721437, 11672507, 4677012, 12710525, 3098948, 14607877, 234800, 2128967, 2659225, 2477522, 12362155, 12193101, 9426465, 4279138, 4790304, 3985658, 944265, 10443758, 12771210, 4727941, 1328390, 7461636, 11352973, 7501485, 10365773, 487669, 2664687, 3598336, 1412684, 1868578, 14898385, 11078342, 7648957, 12487818, 9326744, 15486415, 461456, 5258964, 10807654, 4621474, 2473309, 10952676, 9172858, 1757997, 3521970, 8315352, 10138026, 11113283, 3549008, 4159740, 7251824, 7108354, 9024420, 6010185, 13932051, 9852613, 9067655, 3874942, 8604367, 11113362, 12393721, 7992380, 4139571, 6893443, 4989288, 10882648, 11078367, 14508654, 12483055, 15210573, 907839, 4982929, 15808222, 3862730, 388638, 9144376, 11441433, 1544427, 10370980, 12147378, 13025360, 1956732, 7319559, 2682954, 3231675, 9111290, 557078, 2282471, 3456405, 11078362, 2529303, 4104049, 13212139, 1520537, 3064946, 3501346, 10742049, 5786182, 4978228, 5906284, 14683597, 13025359, 9914199, 1848582, 423001, 13062041, 4044803, 15165571, 12392915, 6646931, 9302206, 12098517, 12489244, 4351957, 1261097, 2883068, 637060, 1259939, 7898350, 15671803, 10890357, 2817535, 7881741, 10580405, 954857, 8556506, 8587358

[adjacent node : edges]

bdot : 11958683, 12491199, 11350668, 12237599, 11238207, 14523275, 12441799, 14610491, 12803998, 14767811, 15117448, 15216461
bdot A Al-barmani : 12383295
bdot A Arbeter : 6328030, 6646130
bdot A Arleth : 8327499
bdot A Beazley : 15646767
bdot A Brown : 15642146
bdot A Bunyan : 10716045
bdot A Carmichael : 3465931
bdot A Chandrasekharan : 12882658
bdot A Cmelak : 11497232
bdot A Cnaan : 8835196, 9302206, 11600835
bdot A Crandall : 10772218
bdot A D'andrea : 3102148, 3011849
bdot A D'apice : 263953
bdot A Dacanay : 12697315
bdot A Daft : 3874942
bdot A Dailey : 2870830
bdot A Davis-vogal : 12500113
bdot A Dawson : 8535200
bdot A Deveikis : 14523275
bdot A Espinoza : 12147378
bdot A Etzioni : 6376746
bdot A Everratt : 15722369
bdot A Faras : 7461712
bdot A Farrugia : 1413661, 9259824, 1448801, 1412684, 2613924, 2128967, 8038897
bdot A Filipovich : 9773832
bdot A Foster : 1551310
bdot A Gao : 8058755
bdot A Garner : 12392747
bdot A Giaid : 12710525, 12070267, 12076554, 15306183
bdot A Goren : 8429451
bdot A Gottlieb : 4161136, 4161398
bdot A Gribble : 12392747, 12643910
bdot A Hoffbrand : 4111271
bdot A Kaufman : 10391855
bdot A Kirk : 11158995
bdot A Kirkpatrick : 9441953, 9891346
bdot A Kleinig : 1448801
bdot A Kobayashi : 1387561
bdot A Lago : 8058755
bdot A Landay : 10882648
bdot A Lavoie : 2773882
bdot A Levinson : 2529303
bdot A Lightfoot : 12392747, 12643910
bdot A Lindner : 637424
bdot A Lipson : 15266166
bdot A Ludomirsky : 8556518, 2144335
bdot A Malouf : 10027361
bdot A Markham : 15642146, 12393721, 14552656
bdot A Marshall : 11678952
bdot A Masurel : 12393721, 15642146
bdot A Michael : 7084995, 7319559, 7108354
bdot A Mighell : 14552656
bdot A Morgan : 15642146, 12393721
bdot A Moscicki : 15117448, 10720516, 10509563, 12738638, 10890357, 12204944
bdot A Myracle : 11958683, 12441799
bdot A Nichols : 9595411
bdot A O'leary : 10443758
bdot A Oates : 8038897, 1412684
bdot A Olzinski : 14561851
bdot A Palmer : 13724072
bdot A Pardee : 8723942, 9276323
bdot A Patrzykat : 12902173, 12950255, 15638799, 12878506, 15935695
bdot A Polliack : 1084879, 1201213, 4545895
bdot A Powis : 13025359
bdot A Protheroe : 15642146
bdot A Pryde : 10027361, 7648957, 7729271
bdot A Puisieux : 14552656
bdot A Rand : 6114799
bdot A Rausen : 1176612, 4546468
bdot A Rhodes : 2200889
bdot A Robson : 12383295, 11678952
bdot A Rogers : 11238207
bdot A Romanic : 10499587
bdot A Ross : 7166207
bdot A Rubin : 5794823, 4742927
bdot A Saitoh : 15031790
bdot A Sawitsky : 5082361, 4279138
bdot A Schreiber : 6349890
bdot A Shenouda : 12070267
bdot A Sison : 10201969, 9144376
bdot A Smith : 14741208, 15175700
bdot A Smith Rogers : 11090740
bdot A Srinivasan : 1648574
bdot A Stevens : 12392747
bdot A Stirrat : 10807654, 11158995
bdot A Strauss : 4161398, 4159740, 4161136
bdot A Street : 8038897
bdot A Sulpizio : 11090097
bdot A Surya : 12093471
bdot A Swann : 15722369
bdot A Thomas : 15722369
bdot A Weber : 11986133
bdot A Wibberley : 14985938
bdot A Wierzbicki : 10201969
bdot A Winokur : 10443758, 8827131
bdot A Wiznia : 10882586
bdot A Wright : 2682954
bdot B Athreya : 1956732
bdot B Barber : 8188420
bdot B Bennett : 8535200
bdot B Bouzahzah : 11064272, 12392915, 11078362, 11334935
bdot B Bryksa : 15935695
bdot B Burkey : 11497232
bdot B Cizman : 8556506
bdot B Cooper : 2883068, 15808222
bdot B Cooperman : 1848582
bdot B Corkey : 1847937, 2909830
bdot B Daly : 7501485, 9172858, 15486415, 7472629, 8604367, 12483055, 12684296, 11591572, 15266166, 15241128, 9334798, 15781909
bdot B Dube : 14609499, 12359683
bdot B Ellis : 14683597
bdot B Garty : 2164043, 3312373, 2144335, 9007171, 2529303, 8556518, 3281881, 1956732, 8319725
bdot B Godfrey : 2200889, 2571666
bdot B Goodspeed : 6114799
bdot B Gout : 11181905
bdot B Graham : 14610491
bdot B Guida : 15350702
bdot B Hamilton : 1387561
bdot B Handwerger : 404361, 415434, 637060, 6114799
bdot B Hu : 9585808
bdot B Korber : 12441799
bdot B Langford : 14524512
bdot B Lee : 9949155
bdot B Maida : 2107030
bdot B Maleeff : 11976263
bdot B Mcsporran : 10370980
bdot B Moscicki : 12803998
bdot B Murphy : 15510575, 11497232
bdot B Oyefara : 7496919
bdot B Pernis : 4606641
bdot B Perussia : 2152971
bdot B Rudy : 10768676, 14767811, 15216461, 11530302, 12204944, 10509563
bdot B Sawitsky : 4279138
bdot B Smith : 1640315
bdot B Storer : 8013078
bdot B Tang : 12193101, 12392915
bdot B Twaddle : 10716045
bdot B Wang : 15936190
bdot B Wilkinson : 6991418, 641141
bdot B Wolf : 15390113
bdot B Wu : 14741208
bdot B Zweiman : 3598032
bdot C August : 3102148, 6376746, 3050003
bdot C Baker : 7050158
bdot C Ballard : 15722369
bdot C Bannister : 15722369
bdot C Bautista : 12147378
bdot C Bennett : 15936190
bdot C Berry : 11158995
bdot C Blixen : 9188358
bdot C Bowmer : 2477522
bdot C Bullerwell : 10525680
bdot C Chronister : 8200677
bdot C Clark : 2645086
bdot C Cody : 3459131, 6382134, 7050161, 6343997, 6339394, 7411538
bdot C Daughada : 560355
bdot C Daughaday : 1067005, 179049, 944265
bdot C Davidson : 10967364
bdot C Delaat : 9773832
bdot C Destombe : 1423720, 1680570
bdot C Deuber : 2817535
bdot C Doe : 14985938, 12770952
bdot C Ellis : 10499587
bdot C Fang : 12923799
bdot C Fletcher : 12237599, 15031790
bdot C Goh : 14741208, 12771210
bdot C Goldstein : 3456405, 6596459, 2870830
bdot C Guo : 15390113, 11756991, 15166542, 12500113, 12425430, 12548712, 14746807, 12621126, 12736382, 12458047, 11672507, 14560041, 12603824
bdot C Hayes : 12147378
bdot C Herold : 12359626, 12770925, 15178353, 15210573, 15549273
bdot C Hew : 11113283
bdot C Hiley : 1797300, 2282471, 10952676, 2473309, 1884099, 2684315
bdot C Hink-schauer : 10486984
bdot C Ho : 14743438, 15339939, 15808222
bdot C Hofmann : 9055602
bdot C Holland : 10890357, 15117448, 10768676, 10509563, 10720516
bdot C Huber : 5114007
bdot C Hughes : 2613924
bdot C Inglehearn : 14552656
bdot C Job : 12359683
bdot C Kelley : 15266166, 15781909
bdot C Kitchen : 12626462
bdot C Lawson : 458598, 113524, 15642146
bdot C Louden : 8587358, 8575076, 7606751, 8327499, 10499587, 8013078
bdot C Love : 15454190
bdot C Macphee : 15749461
bdot C Maddison : 15722369
bdot C Mangan : 10443758, 12923799
bdot C Manno : 9111290
bdot C Moldow : 1065389
bdot C Murphy : 2005963
bdot C O'brien : 12500113, 12829987
bdot C Parish : 11562342
bdot C Park : 2423668
bdot C Pearson : 4351957
bdot C Powell : 15031790
bdot C Riggs : 11910003
bdot C Robinson : 11570780
bdot C Sauermelch : 11078367, 10499587, 11181905
bdot C Sodomann : 4790304
bdot C Stanley : 8319725, 7510873, 8134165, 2164043, 3459131
bdot C Stephensen : 15671803
bdot C Sung : 8327499
bdot C Toomes : 14552656
bdot C Von Allmen : 3598032
bdot C Wang : 15021309
bdot C White : 10882648
bdot C Wight : 2645086
bdot C Wilson : 15671803, 10890357, 12441799, 12487818, 11090740, 15021309, 12626462, 12204944, 12803998, 10768676, 12882658, 12738638, 10509563, 15117448, 11350668, 11958683, 11238207
bdot C Witzleben : 3985658
bdot C Wolff : 10525680
bdot C Yuan : 14560041
bdot C Zmijewski : 8556506
bdot D Alexander : 10807654
bdot D Anderson : 3098948
bdot D Arbittier : 3298066
bdot D Ashton : 11078367
bdot D Asthana : 10882648
bdot D Bartolo : 10027361
bdot D Behm : 12770925, 14561851, 15350702, 15178353, 12359626, 15763543, 15852036, 14985938, 12770952, 15363979
bdot D Bergsma : 10499587
bdot D Branton : 4933775
bdot D Brooks : 15852036, 9595458
bdot D Cameron : 11352973, 15454190
bdot D Campbell : 8770502, 1688871, 7910171, 3030588, 9949155, 3162510, 9417805, 10660463, 3693541, 2144335, 10391855, 3050003, 3794346, 10580405, 2817535, 4044803, 9302206, 11113362, 9067655, 12487818, 11063499, 8556511, 7496945, 9605981, 3202042, 3598032, 2056249, 10627485, 7510873, 12923799, 1647502, 10768676, 8914768, 263953
bdot D Catovsky : 4111271
bdot D Cooper : 12643910
bdot D Cruess : 12893106, 12627049, 12627050, 12359683, 14609499
bdot D Danielson : 6151006
bdot D Dhanak : 15936190, 15102493, 15852036, 12359626
bdot D Dinges : 7910171, 7496616, 8827131
bdot D Douglas : 7952940
bdot D Durnford : 2336372, 2562756, 2132959
bdot D Evans : 12627049, 12766696, 11600835, 12627050, 12893106, 11986133, 12359683, 14609499
bdot D Fairclough : 1640315
bdot D Friedman : 8556506, 9111290
bdot D Futterman : 10890357
bdot D Gettes : 11600835, 12627050, 12627049, 12359683, 14609499, 11986133, 12893106
bdot D Ghavimi-alagha : 11063499
bdot D Greenbaum : 15175700
bdot D Griswold : 10496965, 11078342
bdot D Gupta : 12625888
bdot D Hale : 1847937, 2659225
bdot D Hariharan : 10580405, 10627485, 9949155
bdot D Harrison : 11441433
bdot D Hay : 10496965, 10499587, 11309263, 11078342, 10960062
bdot D Hollingsworth : 14524512
bdot D Hurst : 8447561
bdot D Jakeman : 15882067
bdot D Johns : 15063087, 15763543, 14985938, 15867463, 15102493, 12770952, 15749461, 15549273
bdot D Johnson : 680307
bdot D Jones : 11441433
bdot D Kasper : 7050158
bdot D Kaufman : 10201969, 8704251, 10391855, 8982105
bdot D Kelly : 5949695
bdot D Kozbor : 10201969
bdot D Lambert : 15363979
bdot D Landry : 7952940
bdot D Levine : 14722394
bdot D Lopez-villegas : 7674895
bdot D Ma : 15642146
bdot D Macapagal : 15808222
bdot D Mcgonagle : 15642146
bdot D Mcnulty : 10499587
bdot D Mercer : 12359683
bdot D Metzger : 11879700, 12829987, 12736382, 12500113
bdot D Milburn : 14741208, 12771210
bdot D Mildvan : 4636293
bdot D Miller : 2152971
bdot D Monos : 8556506
bdot D Morrow : 6371047
bdot D Murphy : 12803998
bdot D Naselsky : 15549273, 15852036, 11976263, 15936190, 15210573, 15350702
bdot D Ohlstein : 11078367
bdot D Pleasure : 14743438, 11777843, 12603824, 12548712, 12937158
bdot D Pulleyblank : 7898350
bdot D Regoli : 15363979
bdot D Riddell : 2899593
bdot D Rowbotham : 15363979
bdot D Sachar : 1085595, 4134717
bdot D Schmeling : 641141
bdot D Schmidt : 15936190, 15852036
bdot D Spencer : 2005963
bdot D Stott : 4606641
bdot D Thomas : 12643910, 12392747
bdot D Tuffanelli : 4097036
bdot D Tuman : 4546468
bdot D Veale : 15642146
bdot D Wall : 11562342
bdot D Walshaw : 11678952
bdot D Wara : 10882648, 14610491
bdot D Warnock : 12491199
bdot D Watts : 12147378
bdot D Whitfield : 7898350, 8785487, 7891585
bdot D Xu : 12093471
bdot D Zheng : 12771210
bdot D Zylla : 12621126
bdot E Argyris : 8556506
bdot E Bayever : 3102148, 2844566
bdot E Bergenstal : 12621126
bdot E Bottone : 1176612
bdot E Burkey : 6376746
bdot E Cameron : 2649215
bdot E Capertone : 404361
bdot E Charney : 3985658
bdot E Corty : 3296966
bdot E Cotchin : 14817971
bdot E Crook : 11814143, 11570780, 14722394
bdot E Dalen : 12359683
bdot E De Harven : 4545895
bdot E Dodds : 12643910
bdot E Doerry : 9441953, 9891346, 11125057, 10354586
bdot E Ellinwood : 10967364, 10448878
bdot E Evans : 1148677
bdot E Gonczol : 1648574
bdot E Grau : 12770952
bdot E Greenwood : 13025359
bdot E Icaza : 7910171
bdot E Jones : 14524512
bdot E Juszczak : 15722369
bdot E Konig : 4795012, 4348357, 4790288, 4545357, 4111271, 4709951, 4605188, 4119398, 4688866, 4202093, 4745377, 4539170
bdot E Larson : 3891690, 3634719
bdot E Lieber : 5169336
bdot E Lobashevsky : 15021309, 12441799
bdot E Marzola : 15363979
bdot E Mcfarland : 14610491, 14523275
bdot E Moore : 1575586
bdot E Neilson : 6596459, 3456405
bdot E Nickbarg : 1848582
bdot E Nishizawa : 7384535
bdot E Ohlstein : 8587422, 8587352, 8013078, 10499587, 15306183, 7509976, 11282300, 7509990, 8327499, 9226297, 15852036, 9595458, 12359626, 8587369, 11158995, 15063087, 9595411, 7783423, 12076554, 7606751, 7599920, 10496965, 8058755, 7517884, 1426008, 8448593, 7930556, 8575076, 7965794, 11090097, 7881741, 8587358, 7992380, 11078367, 11078342, 10807654, 12070267, 12710525, 7721437
bdot E Orne : 7910171
bdot E Osserman : 221543
bdot E Rappaport : 2844566, 9846828
bdot E Retzel : 7461712
bdot E Riedel : 15390113, 14607877
bdot E Rose : 15646767
bdot E Rudy : 7501485, 7472629, 9334798, 8604367
bdot E Schoenbaum : 15021309
bdot E Seljeskog : 209154, 423001
bdot E Skutelsky : 4122710
bdot E Stiehm : 14610491
bdot E Tripp : 4111271
bdot E Tsang : 11064272
bdot F Bottrill : 10952676
bdot F Chouiali : 12710525
bdot F Cohen : 1575586
bdot F Cosio : 7108354, 7319559, 7084995
bdot F Gonzalez-scarano : 2200889
bdot F Hu : 12710525
bdot F Kull : 15350702, 14683597
bdot F Leong : 14552656
bdot F Lynch : 15210573
bdot F Mccarter : 12656453
bdot F Melchers : 4606641
bdot F Moolten : 7898350
bdot F Parker : 11441433
bdot F Ponchel : 15642146, 14552656, 12393721
bdot F Shaheen : 11777843
bdot F Shanahan : 10799448, 12325526
bdot F Siegal : 4549205
bdot F Stafford : 11788150
bdot F Webb : 4351957
bdot F Yong : 12237599
bdot G Beck : 8587422, 8587352, 7965794, 7599920
bdot G Brittinger : 4709951, 4795012, 4202093, 4543492, 4539170, 4545357, 4727941, 4111271, 5656398, 4688866, 4119398, 4790288, 4605188, 4745377, 4348357
bdot G Calo' : 15363979
bdot G Christ : 11064272, 11078362, 12392915, 10365773, 12193101, 7844399
bdot G Chuck : 11910003
bdot G Cohnen : 4790288, 4348357, 4605188, 4745377, 4688866, 4119398, 4543492, 4539170, 4709951, 4795012, 4202093, 4111271, 4727941, 4545357
bdot G Deyle : 14524512
bdot G Douglas : 13286497, 13525851, 13673183, 13212139, 13724063, 13429147, 13124546
bdot G Duddy : 11976263
bdot G Duuglas : 13525851
bdot G Fernandes : 680307
bdot G Feuerstein : 8013078, 7965794, 9595411, 7721437, 8327499, 8575076, 8587369, 7783423
bdot G Fleisher : 6279813
bdot G Glover : 10499587
bdot G Gopalakrishna : 3098948
bdot G Hammer : 98599
bdot G Hariharan : 10138026
bdot G Hassan : 12710525
bdot G Henle : 6607807, 3155549
bdot G Keusch : 98599, 1176612, 1092771, 4719715, 98598, 4636293
bdot G King : 10448878
bdot G Kolski : 2880050, 2817535, 3456405, 3598336, 3693541, 3312373, 6813008, 6584514, 2707864
bdot G Ludlam : 13025360
bdot G Lyon : 12491199
bdot G Marquis : 15671803
bdot G Mcfadden : 10486984, 9055602, 8207087
bdot G Montelione : 15808222, 12771210, 14741208
bdot G O'connell : 12727303
bdot G O'sullivan : 10799448
bdot G Orr : 7844399
bdot G Poste : 8327499
bdot G Raines : 8038897
bdot G Riley : 12643910, 11441433, 15852036, 12392747
bdot G Self : 11309263
bdot G Shun-d : 8556495
bdot G Stankus : 14985938
bdot G Stavropoulos : 9585808
bdot G Swapna : 15808222
bdot G Trinchieri : 8397473
bdot G Walsh : 7107990, 7251824
bdot G Warren : 15936190
bdot G Webster : 2989178
bdot G Weissmann : 5656398
bdot G Whyte : 8038897, 1413661, 2128967, 1412684
bdot G Zeballos : 7844399
bdot G Zhan : 11113362, 11274418
bdot H Ashman : 12656453
bdot H Aumann : 8038897
bdot H Cooper : 5926301
bdot H Friedman : 2200889, 2571666
bdot H Fudenberg : 4138340, 4176108, 4890568, 5776486, 5169336, 5311166, 4186310, 4183767, 5243929, 4183806, 4180801, 4989156, 4982929, 5786182, 4978228, 5793211, 5725737, 5435714, 5308993, 4894853, 5696651, 5787274, 5581595
bdot H Harding : 10443758
bdot H Huang : 11064272, 12392915, 7844399, 11334935, 12193101, 10365773, 11078362
bdot H Huber : 4621474, 4926996, 4978228, 5696651, 4989288, 4104049, 5114007
bdot H Isenberg : 4166380
bdot H Jacob : 1065389, 221543
bdot H Janowitz : 1085595, 4134717
bdot H Jick : 6151006
bdot H Ju : 14561851
bdot H Kamiya : 6279813
bdot H Kawashima : 1694214
bdot H Kim : 7496919
bdot H Korchak : 8027547, 8134165, 2164043, 8319725, 7510873, 1328390
bdot H Krum : 15083593
bdot H Kunkel : 4122710, 4200956, 4549205
bdot H Lee : 8835196, 8556495, 7632461, 8556479
bdot H Lischner : 10201969, 6376746
bdot H Luo : 12458047
bdot H Magazine : 11064272, 11078362
bdot H Montenegro : 7501485, 7472629, 8604367
bdot H Moses : 5787274
bdot H Murray : 12700976, 15165571
bdot H Ochs : 1387561
bdot H Papadaki : 15642146
bdot H Platt : 14817971
bdot H Rosenblatt : 14610491
bdot H Rubin : 1848582
bdot H Salari : 3479910
bdot H Sarau : 15852036, 11090097, 10499587, 15763543, 12770925, 15936190
bdot H Shaw : 12656453
bdot H Slade : 7700323
bdot H Steinbach : 4890568
bdot H Tanowitz : 12392915, 11078362, 12193101, 10365773, 11334935, 11064272
bdot H Van-der-keyl : 15763543
bdot H Williamson : 5461247
bdot H Wu : 14767811
bdot H Zhao : 14741208, 11600835, 9787150, 8835196
bdot I Bird : 14508654
bdot I Burton : 15882067
bdot I Forbes : 12643910, 12392747
bdot I Morecroft : 10807654
bdot I Neilly : 8535200
bdot I Nissim : 2916450, 10660463
bdot I Nuamah : 9417805
bdot I Sielezneff : 10027361
bdot I Temperley : 4567077
bdot I Young : 1412684
bdot J Abramson : 7107990
bdot J Adamson : 637424, 803111
bdot J Anderson : 7166207
bdot J Andersson : 4606641
bdot J Andrews : 263953
bdot J Aramini : 15808222
bdot J Archibald : 11443352
bdot J Ausman : 557078
bdot J Becker : 8447561, 8429451
bdot J Belanger : 15859237
bdot J Bell : 3302888
bdot J Berman : 7844399
bdot J Bernbaum : 3874942, 6713768
bdot J Bianchi : 12362155
bdot J Blackston : 11814143
bdot J Bomalaski : 2870830, 6596459, 3862730
bdot J Borjeson : 5926300, 5926301, 6018767, 4166246
bdot J Boycott : 13062041
bdot J Bratosiewicz : 10201969
bdot J Briones : 8200677
bdot J Buxbaum : 4606641, 7461712
bdot J Cale : 14508654
bdot J Casquero : 12491199
bdot J Chambers : 10499587
bdot J Chan : 11064272, 11078362
bdot J Chatten : 3965406
bdot J Chehimi : 1694214, 8556511, 2029795, 8397473
bdot J Church : 12626462
bdot J Cogswell : 15867463
bdot J Colbeck : 14898385
bdot J Collins : 10799448
bdot J Conger : 4701712
bdot J Cooper : 321814
bdot J Cornette : 113524
bdot J Cowan : 14524512
bdot J Cruickshank : 2899593
bdot J Cutili : 10882648
bdot J Cutilli : 7679409, 8134165, 7680371, 11063499, 10627485, 2571666, 2373869, 7632461, 2200889, 9605981, 1727500
bdot J Cutillii : 8704251
bdot J Deane : 10486984
bdot J Deeney : 1847937
bdot J Disa : 15350702, 15210573, 11181905, 15763543, 10499587, 11976263, 12093471, 15852036
bdot J Dixon : 15454190
bdot J Egler : 3965406
bdot J Ellenberg : 15117448, 10720516, 11238207, 10890357, 11090740
bdot J Elliott : 7599920, 9595458, 7721437, 7881741, 8587352, 1426008, 7965794, 8587422, 8013078, 8587358, 9595411
bdot J Everett : 15808222
bdot J Fahey : 10882648
bdot J Flier : 806407
bdot J Foley : 15936190, 15763543, 15852036, 10499587, 12770925
bdot J Fortson : 12656453
bdot J Frazee : 8058755
bdot J Gallant : 11113283, 9852613, 15165571, 12950255, 12878506, 12700976, 10525680, 12697315
bdot J Gartlon : 11441433
bdot J Gatenby : 3231675
bdot J Gerdes : 6842339, 3972992, 3456405, 6646931, 6584514, 3958835, 3110724, 6470865
bdot J Geschwind : 1847937
bdot J Gleason : 7965794, 15852036
bdot J Greene : 8429451, 7496919
bdot J Grinspan : 15390113
bdot J Guevara : 12491199
bdot J Hagan : 11441433
bdot J Hannagan : 2883068
bdot J Hansen-flaschen : 2152971
bdot J Hastings : 2571666
bdot J Healy : 13932051
bdot J Henwood : 12393721
bdot J Hird : 1148677
bdot J Hodge : 15216461
bdot J Hoidal : 750373, 7108354
bdot J Houser : 11350668
bdot J Hunt : 15808222
bdot J Hunter : 11441433
bdot J Isaacs : 12393721, 14552656, 15642146
bdot J James : 9259824, 1413661, 2128967, 2613924, 1412684
bdot J Jenkins : 9550266
bdot J Jin : 15936190, 15852036
bdot J Johnson : 313223, 6238745, 1848582
bdot J Kassab : 2382901
bdot J Kearns : 8556506
bdot J Kline : 8315352, 6842339, 6371047
bdot J Krepinsky : 7891585, 7898350
bdot J Kurtzberg : 11154211
bdot J Lai : 11777843, 11919172, 9949155, 12603824, 9655475, 12325504, 12098517, 9846828, 9548509, 12458047, 14743438, 12829987, 9585808, 12937158, 15817763, 10594362, 11113362, 15390113, 12548712, 11879700, 14607877, 11274418
bdot J Lathey : 14767811, 15216461, 10882648
bdot J Leber : 8058755
bdot J Lee : 3110724
bdot J Leserman : 14609499, 12627049, 11600835
bdot J Levitt : 3972992
bdot J Levy : 2693269, 2707864, 3598336
bdot J Leyden : 4044803, 2989178
bdot J Lim : 15175700
bdot J Lindsey : 14767811, 15216461
bdot J Lioy : 7679409, 1727500
bdot J Lipani : 8447561
bdot J Lobell : 1749685
bdot J Louie : 4653186
bdot J Luengo : 9595458
bdot J Maher : 8723942
bdot J Martin : 10499587, 14683597
bdot J Martinez : 15216461
bdot J Mccarthy : 13932051
bdot J Mcmann : 7910171
bdot J Mcnamara : 15216461
bdot J Merrill : 11672507, 12621126, 12736382
bdot J Mond : 806407
bdot J Moore : 15642146
bdot J Moss : 14560041
bdot J Munholland : 10525680
bdot J Mytilineos : 15021309
bdot J Netterville : 11497232
bdot J Ngamphaiboon : 3693541
bdot J Nicknish : 3934327
bdot J Nusbacher : 4926996, 1119132
bdot J O'brien : 15722369
bdot J O'connell : 10799448, 12325526
bdot J Olson : 7428821, 7099167
bdot J Orange : 15339939
bdot J Perez-casanova : 15165571
bdot J Peter : 8556518
bdot J Petitto : 12627049, 12627050, 11600835, 12893106, 11986133, 14609499, 12359683
bdot J Pitt : 14523275
bdot J Porter : 6151006
bdot J Puck : 1680289
bdot J Pytyck : 12878506, 12950255
bdot J Rawles : 10219491
bdot J Rees : 4567077
bdot J Reid : 3465931
bdot J Repine : 594083
bdot J Reuben : 10882648
bdot J Rothmann : 1688871
bdot J Sachs : 9326744
bdot J Samuelson : 3874942
bdot J Sanderson : 2682954
bdot J Savard : 10443758
bdot J Schimmel : 9831881
bdot J Schmitz : 10882648
bdot J Sechler : 11976263
bdot J Seigel : 10882648
bdot J Seo : 12878506
bdot J Shirani : 12193101, 12392915
bdot J Smith : 2144335, 1668850
bdot J Snowden : 15642146
bdot J Sotomayor : 2664687
bdot J Sprague : 11125057
bdot J Spritzler : 10882648
bdot J Stadel : 10499587
bdot J Stroobant : 6339394, 6343997, 6382134
bdot J Su : 14683597, 15350702
bdot J Tang : 12441799, 11958683, 15021309
bdot J Taylor : 13193963, 13076693, 14929201, 13025359, 13062041, 12393721, 13025360, 14898385
bdot J Thompson : 15363979
bdot J Trill : 10499587
bdot J Van Laar : 12393721, 15642146
bdot J Verhoef : 641141
bdot J Wastl : 9873083, 10618395
bdot J Weeks : 113524, 458598
bdot J White : 6251573
bdot J Williams : 15859237
bdot J Wilson : 11678952
bdot J Wu : 9846828
bdot J Xiang : 9595458
bdot J Xu : 12803998
bdot J Yang : 11879700, 14607877, 12098517
bdot K Aquino : 15053714
bdot K Baerlocher : 423920
bdot K Boor : 10772218
bdot K Braden : 98598, 98599
bdot K Bransfield : 14552656
bdot K Bremer : 4348357
bdot K Chiu : 10716045
bdot K Commons : 14743438
bdot K Ewart : 15859237, 15129324
bdot K Fairchild : 8807214
bdot K Fukuyama : 4097036
bdot K Gary : 8827131
bdot K Gunsalus : 15808222
bdot K Haines : 3102148, 3501346, 2844566
bdot K Hirschhorn : 5786182, 4177474, 4181273
bdot K Hummeler : 6470865
bdot K Hunter : 2164043
bdot K Kadler : 9550266, 9719682
bdot K Karabagias : 1448801
bdot K Kirchner : 11570780
bdot K Kleman : 8447561
bdot K Kowalchyk : 7238591
bdot K Lowe : 8723942
bdot K Lundquist : 2164043
bdot K Luzuriaga : 14610491
bdot K Malinovszky : 15454190
bdot K Maniscalco : 15867463, 14985938, 12770952, 15549273
bdot K Mcintosh : 10882586
bdot K Melville : 15129324
bdot K Mooney : 12621126, 12736382
bdot K Murray : 209154, 6251573, 188206, 615978, 564396, 423001, 557078, 898000, 569368
bdot K Ohene-frempong : 9787150
bdot K Pillarisetti : 12093471
bdot K Polland : 10807654
bdot K Prakash : 2029795
bdot K Ramachandar : 4134717, 1085595, 234800
bdot K Richards : 6187918, 7251824, 82199
bdot K Russell : 12147378
bdot K Schopfer : 1261097, 1259939, 6991418, 4143112, 423920, 816583, 336575, 784886
bdot K Schopper : 825170
bdot K Shaw : 14222796
bdot K Short : 15642146
bdot K Shutt : 12491199
bdot K Smith-whitley : 11154211
bdot K Stanley : 10882586
bdot K Steplewski : 15549273, 15867463
bdot K Sullivan : 9773832, 10660463, 12738638, 11063499
bdot K Trangle : 121770
bdot K Trimble : 8535771, 7648957, 7729271
bdot K Ugurbil : 1092771
bdot K Widdowson : 15852036, 15936190
bdot L Amerena : 9259824
bdot L Averboukh : 9276323, 8723942
bdot L Baker : 7510873, 8319725, 2164043, 3459131, 8134165
bdot L Brown : 15129324, 14508654
bdot L Burnham : 3598336
bdot L Campbell : 12643910
bdot L Chessin : 5787274, 4166246, 5926301, 5811076, 6018767, 5794823, 5926300
bdot L Christmann : 15852036
bdot L D'angelo : 15216461
bdot L Davis : 11078342, 10496965
bdot L Deng : 11323671
bdot L Dziukas : 263953
bdot L Fairchild : 13076693
bdot L Firth : 2883068
bdot L Forni : 4606641
bdot L Friedman : 15216461
bdot L Goldberg : 4561769, 5435714, 5581595, 4351957, 5114007, 4183767, 5308993, 4653186
bdot L Gordon : 221543, 417627
bdot L Hall : 1148677, 5464504
bdot L Henry-reid : 11238207, 11090740
bdot L Hudson : 665390
bdot L Illum : 3549008
bdot L Jelicks : 12392915, 12193101, 11334935
bdot L Kilpatrick : 8447561, 1328390, 1848582, 8914768, 2909830, 7510873, 8319725, 2164043, 1847937, 8134165, 10391855, 11154211
bdot L Kilpatrick-smith : 2659225, 3298066, 3534981, 2880050
bdot L Kingsley : 10890357
bdot L Kobrynski : 8914768, 8770502
bdot L Labbate : 11056832
bdot L Lavine : 4166380
bdot L Lee : 15722369
bdot L Ma : 12771210, 15808222
bdot L Macdonald : 15935695
bdot L Martin : 11078342, 10496965
bdot L Matter : 6872342, 6774762
bdot L Mccawley : 8134165, 2029795, 1328390, 7510873, 2056249
bdot L Menzel : 8604367
bdot L Michaels : 9787150, 9605981
bdot L Muenz : 12204944, 10768676, 11350668, 10509563
bdot L Patel : 15867463, 15306183
bdot L Pelecanda : 11910003
bdot L Peralta : 11238207, 11090740
bdot L Petz : 4176108
bdot L Piliero : 11063499
bdot L Preger : 4890568
bdot L Ridgers : 15852036
bdot L Sarov-blat : 15867463, 15549273
bdot L Schou : 2645086
bdot L Shih : 15808222
bdot L Siltzbach : 234800, 4677012
bdot L Simpson : 9831881
bdot L Song : 8556495, 12603824, 14746807, 8764562, 8835196, 1727500, 12621126, 8704251, 1661329, 11730941, 7632461, 15166542, 12500113, 7680371, 12736382, 12098517
bdot L Straszynski : 15642146
bdot L Tanimune : 8914768, 8770502
bdot L Tayara : 12076554
bdot L Vickery-clark : 8013078, 7606751, 7517884, 8448593, 8575076, 8587358
bdot L Weiss : 7844399, 12392915, 11064272, 11078362, 10365773, 12193101, 11334935
bdot L Zaugg : 7496616, 7910171, 8827131
bdot M Autieri : 7783423
bdot M Banach : 1848582
bdot M Baran : 15808222
bdot M Bartucci : 9188358
bdot M Bauman : 528062
bdot M Bearn : 12383295
bdot M Beaton : 11323671, 10618395
bdot M Belzer : 12626462, 15216461
bdot M Blumenthal : 7107990, 7251824
bdot M Brandt : 12491199
bdot M Buch : 15642146, 12393721
bdot M Camarca : 12803998, 12738638
bdot M Carroll : 7496919
bdot M Chandra : 12392915, 12193101
bdot M Chiappini : 12359683, 11986133
bdot M Clark : 3693541, 3459131, 3862730
bdot M Conley : 6646130, 3312373, 6607807, 3155549, 2423668
bdot M Cortina-borja : 9858213, 10048425
bdot M Dahl : 7107990
bdot M Dowd : 11260581
bdot M Dyer : 7501485, 7472629, 9334798, 9172858, 8604367
bdot M Edmonds : 1551310, 1850685
bdot M Erecińska : 3534981
bdot M Eybye : 14561851
bdot M Ezekiel : 7721437, 7509976, 7930556
bdot M Fiddler : 665390
bdot M Fischer : 15175700
bdot M Fraunholz : 10618395, 11323671, 9873083, 10742049
bdot M Freedman : 11154211
bdot M Gallagher : 11158995, 10807654
bdot M Gellai : 7721437, 7930556, 8058755, 9595458, 7509976
bdot M Gerstein : 12771210, 14741208, 15175700, 15808222
bdot M Gesinde : 12393721
bdot M Glovsky : 321814
bdot M Goluska : 121770
bdot M Gray : 1741817, 10772218, 2005963
bdot M Grodofsky : 2773882
bdot M Harris : 6339394, 6343997, 3972992, 6382134, 2817535, 3501346, 2144335, 3693541, 3110724, 3958835, 10391855, 2113787, 6813008, 2246010
bdot M Hershfield : 1387561
bdot M Hill : 2649215
bdot M Hughes : 15216461, 14767811
bdot M Inouye : 15808222
bdot M Ito : 6328030
bdot M Jennings : 3934327, 2425629
bdot M Kalichman : 3985658
bdot M Kline : 10225828, 12237599
bdot M Lago : 7965794
bdot M Lahav : 4989156
bdot M Levin : 14523275
bdot M Lillie : 7106329, 7050161
bdot M Lisanti : 11078362
bdot M Littlewort : 1148677
bdot M Loredo : 12392915
bdot M Lukas : 9111290
bdot M Luttmann : 11309263, 10496965, 11078342, 10960062
bdot M Maclean : 10807654, 11158995
bdot M Mahowald : 404361
bdot M Marcus : 2817535
bdot M Margallo-lana : 15722369
bdot M Martinko : 15053714, 11519640
bdot M Meeson : 12643910
bdot M Meszaros : 2506279
bdot M Mills : 12923799, 10443758
bdot M Moore : 6349890, 15936190
bdot M Morrison : 11986133, 12359683
bdot M Mulligan : 12441799
bdot M Neal : 2613924
bdot M Nitzan : 3281881
bdot M Nochomovitz : 9172858
bdot M Nokta : 10882648
bdot M O'leary : 121770
bdot M Ooka : 402771, 954857, 186665
bdot M Orne : 7910171
bdot M Paul : 3958835
bdot M Polansky : 10201969
bdot M Pullen : 11078342, 10496965
bdot M Quiniou : 11181905
bdot M Quinn : 15642146, 12393721
bdot M Randall : 2684315, 2473309
bdot M Rathore : 14523275, 14610491
bdot M Reith : 2102376, 10525680, 11323671
bdot M Repetto : 12893106, 12627050
bdot M Reynolds : 11570780, 15646767
bdot M Richardson : 11158995
bdot M Rolland : 11154211
bdot M Rossman : 2107030, 6349890
bdot M Rottem : 2897178, 2773882
bdot M Ruffolo : 11078367
bdot M Sarr : 12487818
bdot M Schaen : 11958683
bdot M Schmidt : 975638, 4742927, 833471, 1030115, 4677012, 1250875, 304159, 4672579, 560355, 4790304
bdot M Schultz : 15175700
bdot M Shalit : 3598032
bdot M Silio : 15216461
bdot M Silva : 12626462
bdot M Spagnol : 15363979
bdot M Spektor : 10365773
bdot M Stellini : 14722394
bdot M Stevens : 1551310, 1850685
bdot M Teixeira : 12392915
bdot M Tompkins : 12932858
bdot M Uvaydova : 8982105, 9548509, 9605981, 9326744
bdot M Valcic : 10365773
bdot M Waxdal : 10882648
bdot M Westerfield : 10354586, 9891346, 11125057, 9441953
bdot M Williams : 12548712, 12603824, 14743438
bdot M Wilson : 15808222
bdot M Wittner : 11334935, 11078362, 12193101, 10365773, 11064272, 12392915, 7844399
bdot M Wu : 15808222
bdot M Yates : 2477522
bdot M Yeung : 3479910
bdot M Yoder : 2916450, 3098948, 6470865, 6842339, 6584514, 3958835, 3298066, 6646931, 3965406, 3534981
bdot M Yudkoff : 2916450, 10660463, 3965406
bdot M Zhao : 10594362
bdot M Ziegler : 3110724
bdot N Aiyar : 15178353, 11181905, 14683597, 15210573, 15350702, 15936190, 15852036, 11090097, 11976263, 12093471, 10499587, 15549273, 11078367, 15763543
bdot N Aziz : 10882648
bdot N Bousette : 15306183
bdot N Bunin : 8556506
bdot N Clemson : 2645086
bdot N Denissova : 15808222
bdot N Echols : 12771210, 14741208
bdot N Elshourbagy : 11976263, 15763543, 10499587
bdot N Gabelman : 170217
bdot N Gordon : 11591572, 12483055
bdot N Halawa : 12076554
bdot N Hassan : 1694214, 1647502, 2403870, 3202042, 2571666, 2056249, 8556511, 3050003, 2029795, 3794346, 2506279, 1668850, 2200889, 3162510, 3030588, 2373869, 1688871, 8397473
bdot N Kamani : 3985658, 3064946, 6376746, 3050003, 2506279, 1688871
bdot N Kay : 4139571, 806407, 6893443, 265012, 455804, 898000, 500198, 221543, 388638, 417627, 907839, 7287198, 6981738, 641406, 461456, 6238745, 313223, 564396, 569368, 423001, 6968636, 7431370, 274907, 415434
bdot N Khandoudi : 11181905
bdot N Koven : 3459131, 6279813
bdot N Lampen : 4545895
bdot N Lan : 12771210, 14741208
bdot N Lupescu : 7898350
bdot N Maffulli : 10716045
bdot N Mattatall : 15935695, 15882067
bdot N Nathanson : 2571666, 2200889
bdot N Nelson : 12656453
bdot N Parameswaran : 12093471
bdot N Pawlowski : 7496945, 8770502
bdot N Scarpa : 1956732
bdot N Tan : 15166542
bdot N Tomassini : 8556495
bdot N Tustin : 11350668
bdot N Wells : 15510575
bdot N Yelton : 15510575
bdot O Yamada : 221543
bdot P Atkins : 3598032
bdot P Bannerman : 14743438, 12548712, 12603824
bdot P Bartels : 4164216
bdot P Bertone : 12771210
bdot P Borns : 1749685
bdot P Brennan : 11591572, 9172858, 12483055
bdot P Brinker-spence : 11986133, 12359683
bdot P Buckley : 15763543, 15852036, 12770925
bdot P Carter : 263953
bdot P Chambers : 11181905
bdot P Conaghan : 12393721
bdot P Crowley-nowick : 10768676, 10509563, 11530302, 10720516
bdot P D'orleans-juste : 12392915
bdot P Donnellan : 11352973
bdot P Dunphy : 11260581
bdot P Emery : 15642146, 12393721
bdot P Flynn : 14767811, 15216461, 12237599
bdot P Friend : 7319559, 750373
bdot P Galade : 4181273
bdot P Gallagher : 9302206, 9067655
bdot P Gilson : 8207087, 9055602
bdot P Glade : 4177474, 5786182, 5794823, 5811076, 5787274
bdot P Herzog : 6151006
bdot P Higgins : 15266166
bdot P Hoffman : 6018767
bdot P Hopwood : 15454190
bdot P Jeffrey : 12392747
bdot P Keeling : 10486984
bdot P Kemp : 4159740
bdot P Kilian : 2382901
bdot P Kincaid-smith : 263953
bdot P Krogstad : 12626462
bdot P Kwittken : 8556506, 7496945
bdot P Larson : 9111290
bdot P Liang : 9276323
bdot P Mcandrew : 2425629
bdot P Murdock : 15867463
bdot P Muresan : 14523275
bdot P Nambi : 12093471, 9595458, 7965794, 10496965, 8058755, 11078342
bdot P Nishanian : 10882648
bdot P Nowell : 3155549, 6607807
bdot P Orleans-juste : 12193101
bdot P Patel : 15642146
bdot P Peterson : 641141
bdot P Pinto Da Silva : 4933775
bdot P Price : 423920
bdot P Quie : 7461636, 423920, 7107990, 641141
bdot P Rajan : 15808222
bdot P Rigby : 11309263
bdot P Robinson : 14552656
bdot P Ruan : 14767811
bdot P Smail : 10370980
bdot P Stavem : 4111271
bdot P Story : 14929201
bdot P Thornton : 7510873
bdot P Uthis : 11591572
bdot P Watkins : 1551310, 1850685
bdot P Waytz : 444314
bdot P Welsh : 5926300, 5926301
bdot P Wernet : 4200956
bdot P Wood : 6280196
bdot R Akridge : 10882648
bdot R Ames : 11090097, 10499587
bdot R Anolik : 6713768, 3874942, 6792042
bdot R Barkin : 3874942
bdot R Basch : 7461712
bdot R Bauer : 12359683, 11986133
bdot R Belch : 12923799, 10443758
bdot R Bluestone : 4351957
bdot R Blume : 5811076, 5776200
bdot R Branda : 637060, 497398, 1065389
bdot R Brundage : 12237599
bdot R Brunning : 497398
bdot R Buckley : 1387561
bdot R Caceda : 12147378
bdot R Cartwright : 10048425, 9858213
bdot R Cherukuri : 7680371, 8251595, 8556495
bdot R Citronbaum : 4606641
bdot R Coatney : 11078367, 12770952, 10499587
bdot R Collman : 2200889, 11274418, 2571666
bdot R Cousins : 8058755
bdot R Daines : 11181905
bdot R Danziger : 7496919, 8429451
bdot R Dengler : 11910003
bdot R Desnick : 665390
bdot R Doughty : 1956732
bdot R Dyer : 8027547
bdot R Edwards : 7881741, 8058755
bdot R Elvish : 15722369
bdot R Farouk : 7648957
bdot R Folcik : 11672507
bdot R Garrick : 3456405
bdot R Gelman : 14610491
bdot R Gilbert : 15083593
bdot R Gold : 4890568
bdot R Golden : 11600835
bdot R Goldie : 11309263
bdot R Guerrini : 15363979
bdot R Haimbach : 14561851
bdot R Hajjeh : 12491199
bdot R Harrap : 1412684
bdot R Harris : 209154, 423001
bdot R Heading : 7648957, 7729271, 8535771
bdot R Herrington : 2128967
bdot R Hill : 1448801
bdot R Hirschhorn : 5656398, 1680289
bdot R Howe : 637060, 6981738, 497398
bdot R Hudson : 10391855, 8807214
bdot R Ife : 12643910, 12392747
bdot R Jacoby : 15722369
bdot R Kamin : 4982929, 5311166, 5243929, 4138340
bdot R Kaslow : 11958683, 12441799, 15021309
bdot R Keenan : 15936190, 15852036
bdot R Kilarui : 10882648
bdot R Kobayashi : 1387561
bdot R Lavelle : 1148677
bdot R Lenkinski : 7674895
bdot R Leonard : 11352973, 15454190
bdot R Liebscher : 15129324, 12697315
bdot R Lipton : 4279138
bdot R Mitchell : 12626462, 12882658
bdot R Moesker : 11309263
bdot R Monaghan : 3934327
bdot R Mulhern : 1640315
bdot R Munton : 11441433
bdot R Musson : 2989178, 3521970
bdot R Nelson : 528062, 500198
bdot R O'dea : 7099167
bdot R Oyomopito : 14610491
bdot R Pestell : 11078362, 11334935, 11064272
bdot R Polin : 3102148, 2909830, 6713768, 8807214, 6339394, 2916450, 2880050, 3298066, 6343997, 3534981, 3972992, 3098948, 6382134, 7050161, 6842339, 8315352, 3874942, 6646931, 3456405, 6371047, 3110724, 3958835, 2144335, 3011849, 7050158, 1668850, 6470865, 6813008, 1727500, 6584514, 3965406, 7679409
bdot R Polland : 10882648
bdot R Puumala : 1065389
bdot R Reeves : 15646767
bdot R Reisfeld : 5926300
bdot R Richards : 15859237
bdot R Rivero : 15936190
bdot R Rosenfield : 4926996, 806407
bdot R Roth : 321814
bdot R Ruffolo : 7965794, 8327499, 9595458
bdot R Rutstein : 10201969
bdot R Savani : 12736382
bdot R Schooley : 10882648
bdot R Shastry : 15808222
bdot R Song : 7472629, 9334798, 8604367, 7501485
bdot R Sorensen : 1387561
bdot R Sri-pathmanathan : 3465931
bdot R Stanek : 313223
bdot R Steen : 14373659
bdot R Stehle : 458598
bdot R Sweet : 2200889
bdot R Syvitski : 15882067
bdot R Taub : 4134717, 234800, 1085595
bdot R Verburg : 15642146, 12393721
bdot R Walker : 5464504, 2571666, 5528574, 1148677
bdot R White : 10952676
bdot R Willette : 15749461, 12770952, 11090097, 11078367, 12710525, 10499587, 15867463, 14561851, 14985938, 11181905
bdot R Wilmott : 2382901, 3102148, 3501346, 2529303, 1956732, 2664687
bdot R Wood : 2382901
bdot R Xiao : 12771210, 15808222
bdot R Yogev : 14610491, 10882586
bdot R York : 9024420, 9302206
bdot R Zurier : 2870830, 3862730, 6596459
bdot S Abramson : 10225828
bdot S Ackerman : 6774762, 274907, 528062, 6872342, 750373, 334419, 455804, 518571, 389789, 615978, 487669, 3598336, 417139, 7319559, 637060, 388638
bdot S Allison : 14524512
bdot S Anagnostides : 9585808
bdot S Bandyopadhyay : 8397473, 1694214
bdot S Bell : 14552656
bdot S Bingham : 15642146, 12393721
bdot S Bunn : 12932858, 12727303
bdot S Busteed : 12325526
bdot S Butler : 6772
bdot S Calderwood : 11154211
bdot S Chou : 209154, 615978, 569368, 188206, 557078
bdot S Crispin : 1148677
bdot S Davis : 3549008
bdot S Duprey : 2844566
bdot S Durako : 12204944, 12803998, 11350668, 12738638
bdot S Estren : 4139571
bdot S Factor : 11064272, 12392915, 12193101, 11334935
bdot S Fernandez : 12882658
bdot S Field : 15642146, 14552656
bdot S Forman : 4134717, 1085595
bdot S Froland : 4111271
bdot S Fu : 4545895
bdot S Ge : 7680371
bdot S Geller : 98598
bdot S Gennaro : 9417805, 11260581, 9067655, 9302206, 9024420
bdot S Goldberg : 5435714
bdot S Grasso : 1412684
bdot S Gupta : 12093471
bdot S Halonen : 11078362
bdot S Halstead : 12147378
bdot S Hamarman : 7496616
bdot S Harris : 9172858
bdot S Harrison : 11976263, 12770952
bdot S Hirschman : 4636293
bdot S Holmes : 10499587
bdot S Jackson : 8397473
bdot S James : 1884099
bdot S Johnson : 15165571
bdot S Kapoor : 7496616, 7910171, 8827131
bdot S Kellner : 9259824
bdot S Knight : 15936190, 12359626, 15852036
bdot S Kochwa : 806407, 4926996
bdot S Lee : 10882586
bdot S Majumdar : 1328390, 8027547
bdot S Maltby : 15642146
bdot S Mckenzie : 8315352, 8807214
bdot S Meleth : 12441799
bdot S Meyers : 1085595
bdot S Miller : 12923799, 9067655, 10443758
bdot S Mirza : 11788150, 12383295
bdot S Morris : 7844399, 10365773, 11064272
bdot S Mukherjee : 12392915
bdot S Nachman : 10882586
bdot S Nerurkar : 14561851
bdot S Pahwa : 12882658
bdot S Pelton : 10882586
bdot S Penny : 10618395, 10742049, 15859237, 9929392, 15129324, 11323671
bdot S Perrine : 8447561
bdot S Petkova : 11078362, 12392915, 12193101, 11334935, 11064272
bdot S Pickering : 12770952
bdot S Plaeger : 14610491, 10882648
bdot S Plotkin : 1648574, 3011849
bdot S Rifat : 1647502, 2056249
bdot S Sadler : 15722369
bdot S Salvadori : 15363979
bdot S Schmidt : 15852036
bdot S Seepersaud : 15867463
bdot S Sereika : 8604367
bdot S Spector : 14767811, 15216461, 15031790, 14610491, 12237599
bdot S Spicer : 4161398, 4164216, 4166380, 4161136
bdot S Starr : 12237599, 8397473, 6279813, 10201969, 10660463, 11350668, 12487818, 11672507, 11063499, 10580405, 9144376, 1694214, 2152971, 14523275, 10768676, 15031790, 10225828, 6328030
bdot S Subramaniam : 4546468
bdot S Sun : 11730941
bdot S Surrey : 2844566
bdot S Sweinberg : 7496945
bdot S Sykes : 8038897
bdot S Taylor : 11441433
bdot S Tian : 11104584, 12425430, 11756991
bdot S Tsoi : 15129324, 14508654, 15859237, 12697315
bdot S Turner : 1757997
bdot S Uretsky : 4454290, 52702
bdot S Vermund : 10768676, 10720516, 10509563, 12441799
bdot S Wang : 9137835
bdot S Waxman : 170217
bdot S Wehrli : 7674895
bdot S Whitko : 7680371
bdot S Williams : 9259824
bdot S Wilson : 10499587
bdot S Wolff : 5811076, 5776200
bdot S Yang : 8556506
bdot S Zauner : 11323671, 9873083, 10618395, 10742049
bdot S Zhao : 8723942
bdot S Zuckerman : 191391, 7238591, 6968636, 7099167, 389789, 7428821, 383405, 778684, 954857, 1119132, 6258808, 96030, 798157, 186665, 668217, 7411538, 386924, 6402736, 4454290
bdot S Zurita : 12491199
bdot T Acton : 12771210, 15808222
bdot T Ashmeade : 11441433
bdot T Brown : 12359683
bdot T Bumol : 690995, 7461712, 7431370, 641406, 6114799, 274907, 912766
bdot T Cavalier-smith : 10965950, 10618395, 9055602, 11443352, 11323671
bdot T Clifford : 1848582
bdot T Climent : 15808222
bdot T Coleman : 12643910
bdot T Davis : 10496965, 11078342
bdot T Farrell : 4701712
bdot T Feizi : 4200956
bdot T Fenton : 10225828, 15031790, 14523275
bdot T Gallagher : 15852036
bdot T Goode : 12325526, 10799448
bdot T Hart : 8013078
bdot T Honohan : 7384535
bdot T Ihara : 6328030
bdot T Karakach : 15859237
bdot T Kochel : 12147378
bdot T Lee : 10448878, 10967364
bdot T Leonard : 15454190
bdot T Machin : 15009495
bdot T Meek : 7992380
bdot T O'connor : 12325526
bdot T Oesterling : 113524, 458598, 458599
bdot T Pham : 12626462
bdot T Roseman : 6772
bdot T Saito : 12710525
bdot T Stean : 12392747
bdot T Ten Have : 11986133, 12359683, 14609499, 12627049
bdot T Wasik : 10201969
bdot T Woods : 12770952
bdot T Yue : 7783423, 8327499
bdot T Zhang : 14746807, 12937158, 15339939, 12829987
bdot U Fearon : 15642146
bdot U Krech : 423920
bdot U Maier : 10486984, 10965950, 9873083, 10742049, 10618395, 9055602, 11443352, 11323671
bdot U Shabon : 10499587, 11976263
bdot V Braunstein : 10365773
bdot V Camarda : 15363979, 15178353
bdot V Chadwick : 2883068
bdot V Chakravarti : 1749685, 1680289
bdot V Chitnis : 12882658
bdot V Combaret : 14552656
bdot V Ewart : 14508654
bdot V Falanga : 4044803
bdot V Felices : 12147378
bdot V Ferro : 11562342
bdot V Fiegel : 528062
bdot V Gutta : 1575586
bdot V Hatcher : 10365773, 7844399
bdot V Magafa : 9585808
bdot V Nachiappan : 1328390
bdot V Patel : 12656453
bdot V Piercy : 11090097
bdot V Shanmugam : 8397473
bdot V Shtutin : 12193101, 11064272, 12392915, 11078362
bdot V Whiteman : 10201969
bdot W Agin : 15646767
bdot W Augener : 4545357, 4543492, 4539170, 4119398, 4605188
bdot W Benjamin : 2382901
bdot W Borkowsky : 10882586
bdot W Boyte : 11814143
bdot W Brydon : 7166207
bdot W Cowden : 11562342
bdot W Cunningham : 209154
bdot W Dameshek : 5794823
bdot W Davis : 5696651, 5082360, 5793211, 5725737, 4176108, 4186310, 5311166, 4183806
bdot W Doolittle : 6326060
bdot W Douglas : 13724063, 13429147, 13673183, 13286497, 13525851, 13124546, 13212139
bdot W Driever : 9441953
bdot W Epstein : 4097036
bdot W Fehder : 9605981, 9417805, 11607919, 9024420, 11260581, 9326744, 9067655, 9302206
bdot W Gai : 12932858
bdot W Greer : 1328390
bdot W Henle : 6279813
bdot W Ho : 12325526, 14743438, 10627485, 11600835, 12829987, 7680371, 8556479, 12736382, 11756991, 12766696, 12425430, 12500113, 9548509, 15339939, 15166542, 7632461, 1520537, 10580405, 12098517, 11113362, 9144376, 14607877, 11104584, 8556511, 11672507, 12458047, 9605981, 11777843, 12325504, 15390113, 12937158, 8764562, 11879700, 14746807, 9655475, 11274418, 12548712, 12603824, 8556495, 14560041, 10594362, 1661329, 11919172, 8982105, 7679409, 11730941, 9585808, 10799448, 8704251, 15579279, 7674895, 1727500, 12621126, 10982242, 9949155, 8251595, 9846828, 15817763, 8835196, 1648574
bdot W Holgado : 12491199
bdot W Levy : 14610491
bdot W Liu : 10499587
bdot W Marsh : 52702
bdot W Mcnelis : 2916450
bdot W Miller : 113524, 458598, 458599
bdot W Morozowich : 458598, 113524, 3479910, 458599, 1153802
bdot W Shearer : 14610491, 10882648, 10225828
bdot W Smith : 170217, 11497232
bdot W Song : 15363979, 15021309
bdot W Tourtellotte : 9605981
bdot W Whitehouse : 7910171
bdot W Wiese : 14722394
bdot W Wixted : 15852036, 12770925
bdot W Xiao : 12937158
bdot W Zhao : 10365773
bdot X Liu : 9137835
bdot X Qi : 14746807
bdot X Wang : 12425430, 12500113, 11756991, 8587369, 8575076, 14607877, 12736382, 12098517, 14743438
bdot X Wu : 11323671
bdot X Zhu : 7632461, 11879700, 8764562, 9548509
bdot Y Chiang : 15808222
bdot Y Daikhin : 10660463
bdot Y Danon : 2529303, 9007171, 8556518
bdot Y Geng : 12626462
bdot Y Hirshaut : 4177474
bdot Y Kim : 641141
bdot Y Levy : 2880050
bdot Y Li : 12603824, 12937158, 8764562, 14746807, 12548712, 12621126, 10982242, 8835196, 11919172, 11730941, 11756991, 12425430, 12500113, 15339939, 12736382, 12829987, 11104584, 11672507, 10580405
bdot Y Mizrachi : 10882648
bdot Y Montoya : 12147378
bdot Y Shyr : 11497232
bdot Y Wang : 15817763, 12359683
bdot Y Yi : 11274418
bdot Z Ao : 10496965, 12093471, 15549273, 11078342, 15867463, 15350702, 15210573, 15749461, 11976263, 12770952, 10499587, 11309263, 15763543, 12710525, 14683597
bdot Z Bentwich : 4545895, 4122710, 4549205, 1084879
bdot Z Gao : 15390113
bdot Z Gong : 11113283
bdot Z Hughes : 11441433
bdot Z Wang : 1848582
bdot Z Wunderlich : 12771210
bdot Z Xiong : 10448878

[common edges between this node (Node S Douglas) and adjacent nodes shown in red]