Text Summary of Nodes

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bdot 15540898 (10)
bdot 10554036 (8)
bdot 15843208 (7)
bdot 10950927 (7)
bdot 15069704 (7)
bdot 10848973 (7)
bdot 15716006 (6)
bdot 11985494 (6)
bdot 10216950 (4)
bdot 7542776 (4)
bdot 10674022 (4)
bdot 16054525 (4)
bdot 15317456 (4)
bdot 8988032 (4)
bdot 9713282 (4)
bdot 9465091 (3)
bdot 9637916 (2)

Text Summary of Edges

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A Hurlstone A Katz A Komatsuda A Lund A Luo B Clark B Dapas B Scaggiante B Wormann C Bischoff C Cuevas C Knudsen C Michiels C Monteiro C Olsson D Bagrel D Black E Marco E Minet F Ding F Gago F Gao F Mansilla G Beyer-sehlmeyer G Manzini G Michel H Jakobsen H Jorgensen H Leffers H Zhi I Ernest I Friis I Miura I Roland J Bertram J Goncalves J Lin J Malta-vacas J Remacle J Zhang K Aoki K Nagasaki K Nielsen K Palfner K Sawada L Brault L Hansen L Perissin M Brito M Fujishima M Hirokawa M Jadidi M Kneba M Louis M Nakano M Praestegaard M Terada M Wu N Aiba N Fujishima N Goldstein N Kjeldgaard N Matsumoto P Fisher R Gopalkrishnan R Shen S Kahns S Martin-santamaria S Ohnami T Pascal T Sugimura T Yoshida W Hiddemann Y Ichikawa Y Kawabata Y Sun Y Suzuki Z Liu Z Su