Text Summary of Nodes

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bdot 19171884 (13)
bdot 19666558 (12)
bdot 15459110 (12)
bdot 23940747 (7)
bdot 21439216 (7)
bdot 22330347 (6)
bdot 17949697 (6)
bdot 23227970 (5)
bdot 20713516 (5)
bdot 18190349 (4)
bdot 16143329 (4)
bdot 21567446 (4)
bdot 21930803 (3)
bdot 22330583 (3)
bdot 15200620 (2)
bdot 17069833 (2)
bdot 14985319 (2)
bdot 16301571 (1)
bdot 20382825 (1)
bdot 23750503 (1)

Text Summary of Edges

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A Horwich A Silver A Zatti B Singh C Bogue C Collesi C Murphy C Ruse C Wilson C Zeiss D Dunne D Rodriguez-gil D Rutkowski E Fikrig E Jimi E Johnson E Perucco E Pinter E Raiteri E Uchio F Yang G Di Giacomo G Farr G Ko G Terwilliger H Allore H Chen H Hallaq H Jacobs H Vasavada I Schwab J Carlson Scholz J Dong J Enciso J Madri J Mcgrath J Radolf J Salazar J Wang J Ward J Wilson J Yates K Asselin K Furtak L Bockenstedt L Liu M Brueckner M Feany M Hayden M Neaderland M Williams-fritze M Zarfoss O Cremona P De Camilli P Smith R Dubielzig R Franklin R Garg R Kaufman S Compton S Ghosh S Perrin S Wilson V Towle W Min W Tao X Jiang Y Deng Z Guo